Dr. Omar Haroon
Boutique Praxis für Plastische &
Ästhetische Chirurgie
Zeltweg 48
8032 Zürich

Telefon: +41 (0) 44 515 77 44

Dr. Omar Haroon
Boutique Praxis für Plastische & Ästhetische Chirurgie
Zeltweg 48
CH-8032 Zürich

Telefon: +41 (0) 44 515 77 44


Dr. Omar Haroon
Boutique Praxis für Plastische & Ästhetische Chirurgie
Zeltweg 48
CH-8032 Zürich

Telefon: +41 (0) 44 515 77 44


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Wir haben die

Wir haben die

The advanced, state-of-the-art 3D imaging system is offered as part of the consultation process. This is just another important detail that the consultations of Dr. Haroon awards and Dr. Haroon one of the best plastic surgeons in Switzerland. 3D imaging technology allows you to have a more tangible and realistic idea of ​​what you can look like with facial enhancement.

You have up to 72 hours before your appointment to cancel to receive a full refund of your consultation fee.

The consultation booking fee is €150 and will be applied to your surgical or non-surgical procedure.

The consultation is probably one of the most important steps in the whole process. During this visit I will take the time to understand exactly what your concerns are and what you want to achieve with the procedure (surgical or non-surgical). I would also like to have a detailed medical history and physical exam, as well as a 3D facial analysis. I will describe the processes in detail with you and answer all your questions. Since I carry out the consultations myself and only a limited number of consultation places are available per week, the consultation fee is €150. If you decide to have a treatment, the consultation fee will be deducted from the cost. I also offer video consultations for patients who cannot come to the practice.

Each consultation lasts 45 minutes and Dr. Haroon wants you both to get the full attention you deserve. You each need your own consultation to be assessed by the doctor, but you are welcome to be present at the other’s visit. We will try to arrange consecutive appointments as best we can.

Yes, of course. It always depends on the type and duration of the intervention.

dr Haroon’s philosophy in non-surgical procedures is to enhance your individual beauty and harmonize proportions – these changes are natural and refined.

Many patients come to the practice of Dr. Haroon and are unsure if they are ready to undergo facelift surgery or if they want to undergo less invasive injectable treatments. Ultimately, Dr. Haroon only guides patients to the right decision for them by presenting them with the facts about treatments and the likely results they will experience. dr Haroon will never pressure you into undergoing a procedure you don’t want; He will only show you your options and answer your questions honestly. If one approach is likely to produce better results than another, he’ll point it out to you, but he’ll always respect your decision.

yes Nose correction without surgery is a modeling procedure. Humped or saddle noses can be corrected with hyaluronic acid injections. The tip of the nose can also be raised. This does not change the size of the nose. Instead, the shape of the nose is enhanced and balanced.

Whether filler can be dissolved or not depends on what type of filler was used where. Please ask the doctor who gave you the injection or get your records and Dr. Haroon will see if it can be resolved safely.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women cannot receive Botox as it is not approved by the EMA for these patients. Filler treatment is also possible during pregnancy.

The two rules to keep in mind when considering how long a cosmetic treatment will last are: 1. Different treatments take different amounts of time and 2. Different patients have different lengths of results depending on the treatment they are undergoing ( as the saying goes “Results may vary!”).
Botulinum toxin and injectable fillers are not usually permanent treatments. Botulinum toxin usually lasts between three and six months. Injectable fillers can last from six months to years depending on the filler used and the injection site. The operation usually takes longer. The changes made during a rhinoplasty will last a lifetime. Surgery to treat facial aging, facelifts, blepharoplasty, etc. can usually be expected to last 5 to 15 years.

A: Botulinum toxin is a “relaxant” made from sterile derivatives of botulinum toxin. It improves or prevents facial lines and wrinkles caused by overactive or tight facial muscles. In addition to treating facial aging, BOTOX is also used to treat facial nerve paralysis.
Fillers are injectable substances used to replace lost volume in specific areas of the face. They treat wrinkles and fine lines and restore facial volume that is often lost with age. The fillers approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) are subject to constant change. dr Haroon uses fillers, all of which are EMA approved.

Thermi devices (Morpheus 8™ & FACETITE™) are cosmetic procedures aimed at reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin. As we age, our collagen production decreases significantly. This deficiency causes certain age-related conditions such as sagging jaw lines and forehead wrinkles. These devices can be used on the face and body.

Most patients require three to four procedures to achieve the desired optimal firmness, but results are visible after just one treatment at 6 weeks.

The aim is to stimulate your collagen and elastin production and achieve a skin-tightening result. The lower part of the face in particular loses elasticity and begins to sag. Here, these procedures are key treatments to change skin and tissue quality in non-surgical procedures.